
We are a team of Australian university researchers investigating the historical and contemporary uses and impacts of mercury. We conduct research in Australasia to identify potential adverse effects of mercury on the environment and human health, as well as ways in which to mitigate those risks.

To date, research on mercury in the Australasian region has been being pursued separately in different universities and research centres. Our team has arisen to unite these research efforts, aiming to create new collaborations and, crucially, to translate the research results into publicly accessible information (through this webpage).

Our team is dedicated to providing independently verified research into the sources and impacts of the commercial uses of mercury without bias from vested interests or pressure groups. Our combined many years of experience in researching mercury and related topics in the Australasian region allows us to provide highly credible and reliable findings.

Our contributors are drawn from several complementary disciplines, in particular, chemists, environmental scientists and social scientists. The multi-disciplinary nature of our team allows us to not only understand and track the cycle of mercury in the environment, but also to present our research findings as practical policy advice for governments and the broader community.

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